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Discover the significance of this fascinatingly sweet collection

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To emphasize the beauty and importance of uncommon gemstones in this collection, we only select underestimated gems with the finest quality that have not gone through any treatment. These gemstones with bright sweet colors including Burmese vivid pink spinel, orangy pink spinel from Tanzania, Afghanistan neon mint green tourmaline and so on.


"So long as you can sweeten another's pain, life is not in vain." 

Dripping Sweetness is inspired by this famous quote of HelenKeller.


Each of dripping water motif, describing how constant dripping wears away the stone. In the same manner, constant effort of showing kindness to others can soften the hearts and heal the pains.

PICS Dripping Sweetness
PICS Dripping Sweetness

Show your true beauty

Show your sweetness

Little by little

Dripping sweetness all around


Each dripping the sweetness in its unique form. With striking luscious gemstones cut in rectangular shaped, modified cushion-cut or step-cut, they are sitting gracefully on top while having sparkling diamond drops. It represents the ample sweetness one possesses and the action of dripping sweetness to those around.


Featuring pear shaped glamorous gemstones dangling at the bottom, with scintillating diamond dripping from the top, it shows a vivid image that marvellous kindness is accumulated by all the little things we do.

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